Bright Shadow Exodus

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    Rules & Guidelines


    Posts : 233
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    Join date : 2009-10-17
    Age : 37
    Level: : 40
    Job: : Warrior

    Rules & Guidelines Empty Rules & Guidelines

    Post by Mia Sat Oct 17, 2009 3:34 am


    Rules and Guidelines

    To help you gain the most from our Bright Shadow Forum, please familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines below for participating.

    Please note this list does not include the full terms of service (also known as your user agreement). These rules and guidelines are designed to help give a better understanding of what behavior is expected and make your experience more enjoyable and safe.

    Rules (DON'Ts) :

    1. No discussion of any illegal activity or threats of violence. (ie. illicit drug use, including medical marijuana use, threats of suicide or self-injury, or threatened or intended physical harm). Discussions of suicide or self-harm that are deemed negative and therefore potentially injurious to others are also not permitted.

    2. No use of explicit, obscene or vulgar language or images and/or messages.

    3. No threats, racist remarks, or other type of posts that attack, insult, "flame", or abuse members or guests.

    4. No advertising or links to advertising or "Spam" is permited (including signatures).

    Advertising or Spam is defined as posting a link for the purpose of selling, soliciting or promoting by someone that has ownership or other "vested interest" to the web site involved, including efforts to promote other online forums or web sites by web site owners.

    If you are a web site owner and have a link that fits into this category that you want to share, please send me a PM and we will review your submission.

    Posts and links about fundraising (including nonprofit fundraisers) are NOT permitted.

    Only links to personal home pages are allowed in signatures and member profiles, including your IMVU page or to advertise YOUR IMVU PRODUCTS.

    5. No posts regarding research studies, surveys or clinical trials without obtaining prior approval from the forum administrator before posting to the forums.

    6. No links to any web site or use of any username that fits into rules # 1-4 above.

    7. No use of multiple usernames. Please register and use only one username for the forums. Posting under multiple user accounts will result in administrative action (ie. banning).

    8. No posts of copyrighted material. Information copyrighted or owned by any individual or entity other than the person posting should not be posted on the message boards without the consent of the owner.

    9. No posts of lengthy articles. Sharing information is allowed, but the forums are not to be used to publish articles. It is an improper use of critical forum resources.

    10. No cryptic posts. Using cryptic messages to "skirt" the rules is not permitted.

    11. No Flaming. Respect other members of the community and don’t belittle, make fun off, or insult another member. "Flaming" and insults, however, will not be tolerated. Agree to disagree.

    12. If it shouldn’t be viewed by minors, then it shouldn’t be posted to the forum. This is a public, family-friendly forum. And there is an adult section for this, so please keep it safe.

    13. Do not disrespect moderators. Be respectful in both the forums and any private communications with moderators. Moderators are volunteers that donate many, many hours of their own time to help in the forum. Violations of this rule will not be tolerated and will lead to an immediate ban.

    14. No SHOUTING. Remember, using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in posts is considered yelling and rude, plus it is difficult to read.

    15. Do not post offline personal contact information (ie. your home address, phone numbers etc.) and do not ask for personal information from others. Use of full names (your first and last name) is allowed but strongly discouraged. This is to protect your security and identity.

    16. No duplicate posts. To delete accidental duplicate posts, login first, then open the message you want to delete, then select the Delete Post button on the top right hand corner of the message box.

    17. No irrelevant or off-topic posts. Posts which are not relevant to the forum topic may be deleted at the moderator's discretion.

    18. No lengthy signatures. Limit signatures to 5 lines or less. For pictures or banners, not more than 100*500, height*lenght. Moderators will edit and/or remove signatures that are too long.

    19. Flood and out of topic must be avoided. One-word posts such like "lol", "rofl" or a single smiley must be avoided. You must also avoid to post the same topic twice, it will not be faster for you to get a response. As long as you topic is not in the second page of the support section, it is useless to up it. The minimun delay between two Ups is 24 hours, according to this board's default timezone (GMT - 5). If you make a mistake, please use the edit button at the top-right of your post, to avoid double-posting

    Guidelines (DO's) :

    1. Check for open topics. Before posting a new topic, please check to see if there is already a topic open on the subject.

    2. Ignore bothersome members. If there is someone on the forum that bothers you, do NOT tease him/her or reply, this will put you in the same boat and you will have the same penalties.

    3. Report posts that violate the rules and guidelines by selecting the Report at the top right corner of the post to notify the administrator. We will act on the report as quickly as we can. Do not reply to the offending post as that typically only encourages the poster.

    4. Welcome new members. When newcomers arrive, say "hi" and welcome them. Take note that a "3 Words" post is considered as SPAM, make full and correct sentenses, this is NOT a chat but a FORUM.

    5. Use descriptive titles for new posts. Avoid "generic" post subjects like "Help" or "Question". You will receive a better response to your posts by being more descriptive about the content of your post.


    Know Your Moderators :

    Exodus' Forums is moderated by volunteers that are giving some of their free time to help and make this forum more pleasant. While they may not have answers to all your questions, moderators are here to help in any way they can. Moderators have the right to edit or delete posts without prior notice that violate of the rules above. They are also responsible for keeping promoting participation in the forums and chats. You can spot a moderator because their posts indicate that they are moderators.

    Each moderator, being human with different life experiences, may see things through slightly different eyes and some variance is to be expected. However, moderators promise to base their decision making on the content of posts rather than personal feelings about the person posting in them.

    If you have a question for a moderator on a decision, you can PM them and discuss it privately. They may not see things the same way you do, but they are open and approachable.

    Please Remember :

    Users that do not abide by the rules may be subject to having their posts edited or deleted, their member account permanently banned from further access and/or deleted without notice.

    Rules and guidelines may change at any time, please re-read them regularly.

    And at last... Have fun!

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 1:57 am