Bright Shadow Exodus

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    Market Plaza Guidelines


    Posts : 233
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    Join date : 2009-10-17
    Age : 37
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    Market Plaza Guidelines Empty Market Plaza Guidelines

    Post by Mia Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:28 pm

    Any trade that doesn't abide by these rules will be locked immediatly.

    Topic Title: [Sell] Item Name(s) or Item Types
    Subject includes: Brief description, the pricing and a screenshot.
    e.g. [Sell] Orange Sword lv.47

    Topic Title: [Buy] Item Name(s) or Item Types
    Subject includes: Specific description of what you wish to buy.
    e.g. [Buy] Purple Black Jerkin

    Topic Title: [Trade] Item Name(s) or Item Types FOR Item X
    Subject includes: Specific description of your trade and a screenshot.
    e.g. [Trade] Orange Sword lv.31 for Orange Bow lv.31

    Topic Title: [Auction] Item Name (Bid Start:xx/Buy Now:xx/End:xx)
    Subject includes: Description, bids info and a screenshot.
    e.g. [Auction] Orange Requiem Sword (Bid Start:2k/Buy Now:25k/End:2 days)

    Auctions sometimes doesn't turn out well, and the item(s) can be sold for a price lower than expected. Thus, you have to respect the bidders and the winner. If you fail/refuse to trade the item you put in an auction, this will lead to an immediate ban from the Market Plaza and you will no longer have access to this forum. Unless we judge your excuse being valid.

    Ending date rule: If you input 2 days per exemple, the auction will end exactly 2 days after you posted your topic, same time!
    e.g. Auction posted the 1st of November at 1:00PM for 2 days, the auction MUST be closed the 3rd of November at 1:00PM

    If you happen to cheat the date and time even by 1 minute to get a higher bid, the auction will be cancelled and locked. If you occur to repeat that process often, this can only mean you are trying to break the main auction rule, which will lead to a warning, then a ban if continued.

    Maximum time allowed for auctions: 7 days

    Conversations has no place in this part of the forums, they will only distract any attention given towards the items traded. Go back to Off-topic lol. <3

    We are not responsible for any scam and we will hold no records for them. You are held responsible for your trades, so please think twice before you confirm.

    We will do our best to keep the Market as clean and safe as possible, happy trading!

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 4:27 am